Grants up to $2000
for Cosmetic Procedures
Plastic Surgery
Dental Surgery
Hair Transplant Surgery
Cosmetic Surgery
Medical Director: Dr. Martin Jugenburg (Cosmetic Surgery)
Medical Director: Dr. Steven Kazman (Cosmetic Dentistry)
Program Information
Why Apply?

It all starts with wanting to have your appearance reflect the confident person you truly are.
Each year, people from all ages share the same vision and goal of improving their outward appearance in an affordable way.
We play an important role in that vision by making partial, upfront Grants available for women and men who have expressed a desire to improve or transform their appearance to help build lost confidence.
It's about wanting your outward appearance to reflect how good you truly feel on the inside, and the likelihood of achieving that outcome becomes more attainable with a Cosmetic Surgery Grant.
Awarding of Grants

Once you select a clinic, you can provide them with a deposit and book your procedure. This ensures that your fee quote is held and cannot increase. (The procedure can be booked for many weeks or even months in advance, however it must be 'booked' prior to the end of the funding cycle).
The Grant is automatically deducted by the clinic once you book your treatment date, by which time you must have made satisfactory arrangements to pay for the remaining balance of your treatment which is owing after the grant and any other considerations are deducted.
How the Process Works

An applicant submits a request for funding at our website
The applicant’s information is confirmed by a representative of our Organization.
The applicant is introduced to a qualified clinic in their area.
Following your consultation, the participating clinic will provide you with a treatment plan that includes the cost to complete the procedure you are seeking.
Once the applicant is satisfied with the treatment plan they are presented, he/she may provide the clinic with a deposit and book their surgery date.
You will need to pay the clinic for the balance of your outstanding amount owed (less the Grant) prior to your surgery date.

There is usually no charge for the surgeon's consultation.
There is no cost to apply to be considered for the Grant.
Grants do not need to be re-paid.
You must accept treatment prior to the end of the funding cycle.
You may only apply once.
Applicants are financially responsible for the cost of their surgery that is not covered by the Grant.

Cosmetic Surgery Grants offered through this program are free to apply for and are available to anyone over the age of 18 that wishes to improve their appearance.
To be eligible for consideration of a Cosmetic Surgery Grant, an applicant must:
(a) Apply Here
(b) attend for a consultation at a participating clinic near you; and,
(c) agree to pay the treatment cost not covered by the Grant.
Following completion of your consultation, and assuming you are a candidate for the treatment you are seeking, the participating clinic will provide you with a treatment plan that can help guide your decision.
Trusted Surgeons & Practitioners

You can be confident you are in the care of a highly-trained medical professional you can trust.
Our participating clinics are trained in the areas of treatment you are seeking.
Their training and experience make them distinctively qualified to perform your cosmetic procedure.
You will be referred to a qualified clinic near you for your specific cosmetic procedure.
Our Goals

The Dr Harold Gillies Cosmetic Surgery Grants Program is a research, information and funding organization founded in 2015 by health industry practitioners and professionals.
The fundamental goal of our Organization is founded in the belief that everyone deserves a confident appearance.
We advance our goal by way of our Cosmetic Surgery Grant Program, which facilitates Grants towards cosmetic surgery procedures that help people improve their self confidence, general aesthetic appearance, and in some cases, their health.
The Dr Harold Gillies Cosmetic Surgery Grants Program is a for-profit organization, and the surgeons who participate in the program cover grants and pay fees to cover administrative, research and advertising costs.
It is only through this arrangement that we are able to make cosmetic treatments more affordable, run media campaigns and develop our research projects.
Medical practitioners that participate in our program typically do so because they enjoy helping people improve their appearance and because of the value to be gained by helping to fund our research project.
The Dr Harold Gillies Cosmetic Surgery Grants Program is dedicated to providing cosmetic procedures at a reduced cost to all persons that are not fully satisfied with their appearance.
We intend to continually achieve this by:
Raising awareness of the benefits of a confident appearance.
Providing contributing clinics with patient-focused advocacy programs such as the POiS project; and,
Expanding our Organization to new communities around the world every year.
Vision Statement:
Everyone Deserves to Feel Beautiful